''The City'' is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from November 13, 1995 to March 28, 1997. The show follows the loves and lives of the survivors of the Corinth Serial Killer (the final story on ''Loving'') as they all moved from the Pennsylvania town of Corinth to an apartment building in New York's SoHo district. The show was co-created by Agnes Nixon, the creator of ''Loving'', and the show's last pair of headwriters, Barbara Esensten and James Harmon Brown. The show won two Daytime Emmy Awards in 1996.〔(Daytime Emmys )〕 ==Storylines== While it was started by ''Loving'' creator Agnes Nixon, ''The City'' was different from other soaps of its day, as the city wasn't the main setting of the series: the loft and its surroundings took precedence, and the city was secondary. Also, the show was shot on videotape using the FilmLook process for its entire run (one of two soap operas ever to do so, ''All My Children'' also used the FilmLook processing from 2006 to 2010). One of the most daring storylines was one involving a transsexual. Photographer Bernardo had a one night stand with model Azure C. He went to the corner to get some orange juice when he saw a picture of Azure C. before the sex change operation. The modeling agency which they both worked had to do a lot of damage control. The storyline began to take off but was soon dropped, in part due to the subject matter and in part due to lackluster reaction to Chang's performance. Azure and Bernardo reconciled and left town. The show did not catch on (even though the cast had many famous faces, such as Morgan Fairchild and Debbi Morgan) and Al Martino as the first Gino Solieto. In an attempt to remind viewers of the well-received "Corinth Killer" plot, in mid-1996 the show had most of the characters stalked (and some murdered by) a killer who left notes saying "Happy Now". The killer was revealed to be Danny's girlfriend Molly Malone, whose sweet, perky behavior belied her true nature. Several months later, Lorraine, who had dazzled critics and fans in the final months of ''Loving'', joined the show. She had left her long-lost love Charles (Angie's ex-husband) and took up with fellow middle-aged alcoholic Nick Rivers. Rivers shared a past with Sydney Chase and there were plans to team the two up (they had palpable chemistry a decade earlier in ABC's short-lived prime time soap ''Paper Dolls'') but the plans never materialized. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The City (1995 TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク